The worst Fat Loss Foods

The secret to fat loss is not about doing more exercise (although it is a key ingredient), it’s lies within the simple action making better food choices. There are many ridiculous myths in nutrition and right at the top of the list is the “calorie myth”. It is the idea that calories are the most important part of the diet and that the sources of those calories doesn’t matter – whether you eat a 100 calories of chocolate or broccoli, they will have the same effect on your weight. Different foods and macronutrients have a major effect on the hormones and brain centers that control hunger and eating behaviour. If your goal is to get rid of that stubborn fat hanging around your midsection, then stay far, far away from these foods:

  • Flavoured Yogurt: Ofter referred to as a “healthy snack”, Yogurt often delivers a serious hit of sugar, sometimes making it no better for you than a handful of M&M’s. They can squeeze nearly 30 grams of sugar into a 150 gram tub of flavoured yogurt. Excess sugar can lead to weight gain so avoid the flavored varieties and stick with plain Greek yogurt and mix in your own berries to add flavour.
  •  Granola: A small serving of granola can add up to big repercussions in your diet. Touted as another “healthy food”, granola is often packed with as many as five different varieties of sugar plus some added fats. This high calorie breakfast food provides instant energy but results in an energy crash later and primes you to crave sweets throughout the rest of the day. For the sake of your waist, it’s best to avoid cereal all together.
  • Dried Fruit: It’s more or less candy thanks to the sugar content. It’s also much easier to go overboard with dried varieties as opposed to fresh ones thanks to the physical size of the food. Picture one raisin versus one grape and you’ll get the idea. Taking the water out of fruit leaves you with sugar and calories. Dried fruit is calorically dense due to natural and added sugar. Consumption can impact your weight loss efforts, as it will alter the levels of your blood sugar and thus influence sugary cravings.
  • Pasta: Regular or refined pasta loses its fiber during the processing, so any nutrients the wheat may have contained initially get wiped. Furthermore, refined grains pass through your body quickly and leave you feeling hungry shortly after you finish eating. You’re best option here is rice pasta.
  • Soft Drink & Diet Soft Drink: Filled with and sugar and completely void of any nutritional value, soda is the biggest empty calorie offender. After getting a blast of sugar, the body stops using fat for fuel and instead uses the sugar. Diet soda still holds zero nutritional value, but cutting out the sugar and subbing in artificial sweeteners can lead to weight gain for a whole different reason. The fake stuff messes with our body’s ability to acknowledge the connection between sweetness and calories and can lead to stronger cravings later. So if fat loss is your goal, sugary drinks like soda are out!
  • Cheese: Poor manufacturing practices make cheese an unhealthy choice. Cows are treated like milk-producing machines and are genetically manipulated and pumped full of antibiotics and hormones that cause them to produce more milk. While cows suffer on factory farms, humans who drink their milk increase their chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other ailments.
  • Deli Meats: Processed meats have no place in anyones diet. Deli meats like salami are high in fat and they’re also typically paired with other unhealthy foods like bread, cheese, and condiments when crafting a sandwich. Skip the deli counter and spring for organic/grass fed cuts of meat or fish if you want to lose the fat once and for all.
  • Margarine: Often advertised as a healthier alternative to butter, margarine is actually loaded with trans fat and lacking in any real nutritional value. Trans fat = toxicity overload!

Calorie from different food sources can have vastly different effects on hunger, hormones, energy expenditure and the brain regions that control food intake. Even though calories are important, counting them or even being consciously aware of them is not at all necessary to lose weight. In many cases, simple changes in food selection can lead to the same (or better) results than calorie restriction.