New Years Resolution Step 2

There is one ingredient that keeps people from reaching their fitness goals – consistency! Nutrition is where I find that biggest inconsistency lies for most people. Some are good for 2-3 days, then blow it for 2 days, etc. I believe convenience is the biggest factor that effects the consistency of eating the right foods. Most nights I will walk in the front door after 8 p.m after a long day at work, and the last thing I want to do is spend an hour making a mess in the kitchen cooking food for dinner and the following day.

In a perfect world, dinner would always be pre-planned and pre-prepped, and cooking and eating it would cure the day’s stress, not cause it. So 12 months ago I decided to start using a food preparation company – without doubt one of the best decisions I have made. Every morning I have 5 meals delivered to my work, packed and ready for the day. It may seem like such a small thing – cooking food for the day, but the time, effort, energy and stress it has saved me is invaluable. Hire a food delivery service in 2017 and watch your results sky rocket! If you live in Dubai, check out Love Food – these are the guys I use. All organic, fresh ingredients and incredible flavours!