3 Reasons why you should eat Organic

You’ve probably noticed that the word organic popping up in supermarket aisles and restaurant menus. You know that foods marked organic are supposed to be healthier and noticeably pricier, but you can’t help wondering if an organic, non-GMO apple is really that much healthier than a regular apple. They’re both fruit, right? Regardless of diet, organic foods are a smart choice. You can’t expect to fuel your body and achieve optimal health by eating food, laced with toxic chemicals, that your body doesn’t recognize. So, why settle for getting by when you can thrive? Here are my top three reasons to eat like your ancestors and adopt an organic diet.

  1. Organic food is higher in nutrients: Organically grown foods have more nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients than commercially grown food. The difference is in the soil. Organic products are grown soil that is managed and nourished using sustainable standards. Organic produce is significantly higher in vitamin C, antioxidants and the minerals calcium, iron, chromium, and magnesium.
  2. They’re free of chemicals & pesticides: Eating organically grown foods is the only way to avoid the cocktail of chemical poisons present in commercially grown food. Conventional meat and dairy are the highest risk foods for contamination by harmful substances. When it comes to meat and dairy products, going organic is a no-brainer. Traditional, non-organic milk cows and cows that will be slaughtered for meat are fed as inexpensively as possible. They eat other cow by-products including gelatin (from cattle hooves), rendered horse and pork protein, and an array of fats, oils, grease, and tallow (from cattle and other species). When you eat the meat taken from animals on this diet, the antibiotics, drugs, and growth hormones are passed on to you.
  3. Non-GMO: GMOs are plants that have been created by combining DNA of different species in a way that could not occur in nature or by traditional cross-breeding. They comprise a large percentage of commercial soy, corn, beets, and alfalfa crops. Genetic engineering alters crops to make them weather and pest-resistant. GMO Corn for example was combined with bacteria in order to produce its own insecticide, called Bt-toxin. Bt-toxin kills insects by destroying the lining of their digestive tracts. The poison is not specific to insects and also pokes holes in human cells damaging your  intestines and causing leaky gut.

I know it may seem a bit daunting at first to eat 100% organic. It might not be available or within your budget. If that’s the case, I recommend starting with one food at a time (red meat should be first), and making the complete switch when you are able. Buying organically grown food—free of harmful chemicals, bursting with more nutrition, taste, and sustainable sustenance is a direct vote for your health. Choosing organic animal products is unyieldingly important, especially for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. I’ve recently switch my food delivery service to one that offers all organic produce to ensure my food is of the highest quality in the lead up to a photo shoot in a months time. If you live in Dubai check them out at lovefoodme.com