Blog: Category

The secret to getting ripped – NEAT

NEAT stands for Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis – basically all the calories you burn while NOT working out. Your metabolism is always working to burn energy. During periods of higher activity, your body will burn more calories than when you are at rest, but even at...

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5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Fat

Around 45% of people join a gym to lose fat. The number of people who succeed is probably less than 10% and furthermore 80% of those people succeed end up regaining their body fat. So what is it, these people who keep their fat off,...

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Health Markers for Optimal Living

Taking care of your body is not just about being ripped year round. By tracking certain health markers we improve vitality, performance, longevity and quality of life. These health markers give us an indication of whether our health is where it needs to be and...

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Training After 40

We all know that exercise as we get older is an integral part of a long & healthy life. If you’re looking to slow down the ageing process and stay young through your 40s, 50s, 60s and well beyond, weight training is the answer. But...

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The Art of Change

The body, like the mind is hard to change without massive action. We all want consistency, stability & safety. In the body we call this homeostasis, which basically means our body adapting to the variables we present it with. These variables include exercise, nutrition, sleep,...

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