Essential Vitamins for Women

Today’s women are more health-conscious than ever before. They are eating better & working out harder, however the subject of supplementation is still somewhat misunderstood. Women of every age, weight and activity level need to consume a wide variety of vitamins to have optimal health and prevent different types of health problems. Vitamins are organic compounds that help different parts of the body function properly. Each of the different vitamins performs a specific function and a deficiency of any can contribute to some serious health problems.

It’s believed that around 30% of women are deficient in one or more of the most important vitamins or minerals. Today’s food simply doesn’t have the vitamins and nutrients it once did – the required 6 servings of fruit and vegetables a day has more than doubled to get the same nutrients in the last 20 years. This is why it is essential to get vitamins from supplements. I recommend you always take a daily does of these:

Vitamin B & Folate improves your metabolism, prevents fatigue and boosts your cognitive functions. They help with many cellular processes, growth and energy expenditure because they work with other vitamins like iron to make red blood cells and help turn the calories you eat into useable fuel. Folate is critical for a healthy pregnancy, developing foetuses and preventing birth defects since it helps build the baby’s brain and spinal cord.

Vitamin D is important for bone health, brain functions, preventing mood disorders and hormonal balance, since it acts very similarly to a hormone once inside the body. Your best bet to make sure you get enough is to spend 15–20 minutes outside most days of the week without sunscreen on, which allows vitamin D to be synthesized when it comes into contact with your skin. Both men and women are at high risks for vitamin D deficiencies since more people spend a large majority of their time indoors these days or wear sunscreen diligently when outdoors. Over 85% of UAE residents suffer from Vitamin D deficiency and the condition seems to be more prevalent during the summer season. Take 5,000-10,000 IUs per day or 50,000 IU can be taken twice per week to treat deficiency.

For mothers-to be, preventing nutritional deficiencies helps maintain their health, lowers the risk of having a difficult pregnancy, prevents birth defects in the fetus/infant and even helps lower the risk for certain chronic diseases developing later on in the child’s life. Breast milk production is highly influenced by a woman’s calorie, vitamin & mineral intake, which is why I consider supplements crucial for both pregnant and lactating moms.