Bikini Bottoms Training

As summer fast approaches in the southern hemisphere and beach club season is well under way in Dubai, people – in particular women flock to gyms to get chase their ideal bikini body. Every female I have ever trained has always said the same thing in our initial consultation: “I want leaner legs & a flat stomach” followed by “I don’t want to get too muscly.” Resistance training will boost insulin sensitivity and raise Growth Hormone output – both of these are very powerful tools to lose body fat. This doesn’t mean adding huge amounts of muscle mass. Women are very unlikely to ever add large amounts of muscle, but the positive hormonal implications of a good resistance-training program can work absolute wonders on the female body!

I have included two sample lower body workouts & two sprint-training programs for leaner legs and a flatter stomach:

Workout 1 (Charles Poliquin’s Posterior Chain workout):

A1. Lying leg curls 1 ¼ reps 4 x 8-10, rest 10 sec

A2. Dumbbell drop lunge 4 x 10-12, rest 10 sec

A3. Barbell high step up 4 x 12-15, rest 2 min

B. Sled push 3 x 40m, 60s rest

*The next day follow this workout with an upper body workout

Workout 2:

1 x 400m sprint, 4 min rest

1 x 300m sprint, 3 min rest

1 x 200m sprint, 2 min rest

1 x 100m sprint, 1 min rest

1 x 50m sprint

*The next day follow this workout with an upper body workout

Workout 3:

A1. Barbell Good Morning 4 x 8-10, rest 10sec

A2. Dumbbell Walking lunge, long step lean forward, 4 x 10-12, rest 10 sec

A3. Single leg Glute Bridge 4 x 12-15, rest 10 sec

B. Sled push 3 x 40m, 60s rest

*The next day follow this workout with an upper body workout or a rest day

Workout 4:

8 x 200m sprints, 3 mins rest

*The next day follow this workout with a rest day

I have used these programs countless times with clients and seen great results. The sprint programs may look easy but if done correctly, will be one of the most exhausting workouts you will ever do. Do each of these workouts 3 times (over a 4 week period). Over the next few days I will post blogs on nutrition & supplementation targeted at females aiming to lose body fat from their thighs and stomach.