You’ve heard it before: To lose weight, simply eat less and exercise more. In theory, that makes sense. Actually, it’s not just in theory, science has proven that burning more calories than you consume will result in weight loss. The trouble is that this only...
Read moreWe’ve all herd the old cliche phrase fitness bunnies use – “It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.” Well turns out they have a very valid point. How many times have you told yourself you’re starting a diet and within a week or two it...
Read moreAll of us are aware that there are many benefits to weight training – it helps to fight cancer, reduces the risk of heart disease & diabetes, but what about its affect on our mental state? Research has proven time and again that weight lifting is about more than just...
Read moreFeel gassy? Like you’ve gained 5kg in the past two hours? Most likely, bloating is to blame. You’d love to have a flat belly for the beach tomorrow, but thanks to one too many soft drinks or that plate of chips, you’re sporting a 4 month pregnancy belly...
Read moreYou can literally be completely clueless about nutrition and weight loss and still know this: Eating Protein is the key. It’s satiating as hell, keeps our metabolism firing, our blood sugar levels stable and of course it builds strong muscles (so you can carry your shopping without...
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